On a personal note...

Gesunde Gestaltung is a design institute around the topics of health promoting design. It functions as a platform, blog, resource, project and agency at the same time. The Design Institute was founded - initially as a platform - in 2015 by design researcher and designer Dr. Jonas Rehn-Groenendijk with the aim of making available the international and interdisciplinary state of research, science and practice. Healthy Design is an independent and non-promotional advertising-free platform committed to the principles of good scientific and design practice.

Chrysikou, Evangelia; Müller, Helena; Rehn, Jonas (2021): 11.P. Skills building seminar: Co-design workshop on reducing institutionalisation in mental health facilities by everyday objects. In: European Journal of Public Health 31 (Supplement_3). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.870.

Rehn, J.; Schuster, K. (2021): Design primes to change health behaviour – Using aesthetic features for health behaviour change. In: European Journal of Public Health 31 (Supplement_3). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.344.

Rehn, J. (2021): Using daily objects as material primes of valorisation and control in psychiatric facilities. In: European Journal of Public Health 31 (Supplement_3). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.873.

Rehn, J.; Chrysikou, E. (2020): Developing concepts for early mental health prevention and treatment using the built environment. In: European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.977.

Chrysikou, E.; Rehn, J.; Savvopoulou, E.; Petelos, E. (2020): Ecopsychosocial environments for health and mental health. In: European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5). DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.974.

Rehn, Jonas (2020): Das Unbekannte als Lösungsstrategie. Designmethodologische Betrachtung von Prozessen in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Darmstadt: Sonderforschungsgruppe Institutionenanalyse (Sofia-Diskussionsbeiträge zur Institutionenanalyse, 20-3). Online verfügbar unter https://www.sofia-darmstadt.de/fileadmin/Dokumente/Diskussion/2020/Netzversion_Rehn_Unbekannte.pdf.

Rehn, Jonas (2020): System Innovations in Design for Aging. A Research-Driven Multi-Stakeholder Framework for Transforming Health Systems. EGen 2019.

Rehn, Jonas (2019): Empirische Designforschung und gesundheitsfördernde Gestaltung. In: Gabriel Dörner (Hg.): Ästhetik der heilsamen Orte. Positionen zur Gesundheitsarchitektur. Weimar: LUCIA-Verlag, S. 156-170.

Rehn, Jonas (2019): Gesunde Gestaltung. Priming- und Placebo-Effekte als gesundheitsverhaltenswirksame empiriegestützte Gestaltungsmethodik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Rehn, Jonas (2018): Design model for health behaviour change. In: Christer Kirsty, Claire Craig und Dan Wolstenholme (Hg.): Proceedings of the 5th European International Conference on Design4Health. Sheffield, UK, 4th – 6th September 2018: Sheffield Hallam University.

Schuster, Kai; Rehn, Jonas (2018): Gesunde Landschaften. In: Stefanie Hennecke, Harald Kegler, Kirsten Klaczynski und Daniel Münderlein (Hg.): Diedrich Bruns wird gelehrt haben. Eine Festschrift. Kassel, Hess: Kassel University Press, S. 103-112.

Rehn, Jonas (2018): Design für Körper und Geist. In: form 61 (279), S. 60-66.

Rehn, Jonas und Schuster, Kai (2017): Clinic Design as Placebo – Using Design to Promote Healing and Support Treatments. In: Behavioral Sciences. Nov. DOI10.3390/bs7040077

Rehn, Jonas (2017): Design Quo Vadis? Future Visions. In: form 60 (274), S. 83-98.

Rehn, Jonas (2017): Quantified Health. In: form 60 (275), S. 46-51.

Rehn, Jonas (2017): Designer Quo Vadis? The Specialised Holist. In: form feature. Revisitng the Past.Special Issue (2), S. 142-148,

Rehn, Jonas (2017): Material wirkt. In: form 60 (271), S. 112.

Rehn, Jonas (2015): Gesundheit gestalten. In: form (261), S. 35-45.

Rehn, Jonas (2015): Design Education Meets Health – Architectur. Interview mit Roger Ulrich. In: form 58 (261), S. 47.

Rehn, Jonas (2015): Designer am Forschungsinstitut. In: form 58 (258), S. 78-83.

Rehn, Jonas (2014): Industriedesignausbildung – The Dutch style. In: form 57 (252), S. 66-73.

Rehn, Jonas (2014): Design braucht Wissenschaft. In: form 57 (251), S. 72-75.